Which USB Cable do you like using

I am considering Wireworld Platinum USB A to B 2.0 meter.

Any thoughts of whoever here has experienced using it or compared with other higher-end USB Cables?
This is very nice one Cchang, but almost 3x higher priced than Oyaide.

Anyone tried Silnote Audio Silver statement USB?

We tested Wireworld Platinum against the Acoustic Revive 1.0SP and the Revelations Audio Labs dual headed one today. IMHO the Revelations was my pick (and I own the other 2! Dammit :) )

And it's not too expensive either.
I've gone from AQ Carbon to AQ Coffee, which was a big step up, and now Mapleshade's best. The Mapleshade, for less $, easily sounds better- smoother, less electronic, which is saying something, as I thought the Coffee was quite nice.
I recently got the RAL Dual Conduit and was pleasantly surprised by the difference over my last cable- an AG Pangea. And I don't even use a separate power supply with it yet.

FWIW, it is the only high-end cable that I have tried, but it's a keeper.