power conditioner/power cable

Im fairly new to the hifi world but im confused about something.My local hifi dealer advised me not to use a power conditioner/surge protector unit(monster,panamax,etc)to plug my gear into,instead to just use a power strip. is this correct??One other question i have-if one does use on of the previous mentioned devices is it beneficial to upgrade the stock power cables??Any help would be appreciated,thank you.
Read this article and then tell my NONE of the big-buck audio power cables use aluminum wire?


I think this guy is full of beans, what say you?

I plug my Rotel amp directly in the wall outlet and the rest of my equipment is plugged into a Rotel RLC 900. Another system uses an APC H10 power surge, noise suppresion AND voltage regulation. For around $200 new this is a very nice unit. As far as power cords they do make a difference. I personally make my own but once bought a Signal Cable power cord which uses shielded Belden wire. Very nicely done and extremely reasonable in price. (Very stiff wire though.) Don't go overboard w/power cords IMO.
I agree with the others; the amp should not be plugged into a conditioner; many owners manuals will say this. The other components should be plugged into a power conditioner or RF/EMI filter with surge protection.
A lot of info in the archives on power conditioners; some filter the AC, some regenerate clean power to the system.
As I said in other thread, it's a good idea to have your rig hooked up to it's own dedicated line and breaker.
As for PCs, most stock cables should be upgraded even if not using conditioning, but you need to find the right cable for your setup.
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