Active audio cables ? I have no proof it works

I bought the whole line of he New Synergistic research Active cables
From $1100 power cords,$650 all active and their New Element
Tungston and Copper. It was good But for less money's the New M.I.T
Cables for $1000 less for speaker cables, as well as $700 less for interconnects the Synergistic gives a big soundstage and clear but not as much meat on the bones as in reality,or tonal shadings ir low Bass.and all those spaghetti wires you have to plug in Gimmicks! They even sell a better power adapter
For an extra $400 something that should come standard ,what is this a Lexus pay for every nickel and dime
Also Shunyata ,Kimber make products with all the Umbilical cords attached i had to have 14 outlets and a 4 ft power strip plus the regular one which was insane .all my equipment is all well know audio products
And are not to blame Beware of all the Hype !
TAS magazine give out awards for $$$ . It too is pandering and I used to
Have no agendas,take a look who has the ads on their and awards to follow.myself and Sevral others heard the differences all can be
Equalled or bettered for less monies with not all the mess of wires.
Very good salesmanship through advertising !!
57 is very clear in this post !! He thinks the SR sounds like $hit for the $$$.
You sound like you are upset and rushing to judgment. Synergistic is a reputable company and they make good products. I suggest you compose yourself and figure out how to set everything up properly, perhaps with the help of the dealer you bought them from. After that, let the cables break in and you may reach a different conclusion. It can sometimes be frustrating with new products. Good luck with it.
It's 58, not 57, and he is anything but clear. And again, if he thinks it sounds terrible for the money, he should have listened to them before he spent the money.

58 came to his conclusion by buying and trying. So he thought for the $$$ they were stools!! Have you always listened before you bought gear? Are you offended with his findings here?

I beg to differ on his clarity. Yes he did write with some shadows but I think he got his main point across that seems to bother you.
I have made two big, expensive mistakes buying without trying, but I don't think it makes sense to do it and then complain. I took my chances, and then my lumps.
I am not at all offended by what he said; I simply think that he has no one but himself to blame.