Elrod statement vs Shunyata anaconda zitrons

Has anyone compared the Elrod statement to the new shunyat anaconda zitrons? Would appreciate opinions.

Your observation about Shunyata cables has been contradicted by many other audiophiles. Your observation is not universally accepted by others. In fact, your observation may actually be a minority observation.
Audio is very personal. It is just an opinion. Here in my country the distributer of Shunyata uses the cables the wrong way.

With Pass Labs you get instruments and voices which are way to big in proportion. A brand has his own properties.

3 weeks ago I did a comparison between the KE Powersource+ against the Shunyata Hydra AV conditioner.

The KE powersource was superior in dynamics and in blacks. But also the image was more intimate and instruments and voices were better separated. Going back to the Shunyata the image was less intimate and instruments were bigger.

I don't F.. care about what people say. I use my own ears and perception. I Always want to create a superior endresult against other people. I am only intersted in the best possible sound. The rest I really don't F... care, Just proof it that you can create a higher level in endresult than I can.

The best sound Always wins, it is that simple!
F in so is what I found about the "F"actory "unbelievable" MIT Oracle AC2 cables. $2300 of the best spent monai ((("if" bought from the very helpful Joe Abrams of Equus Audio- he must be busy-check all the ads))-- that elevated a superior system very dramatically and totally unexpectedly. If "someone" has the bux; give them a try. Just be prepared to kiss that monai 'goodbye' as it's as hard to go back as it is to go back to the fabulous, hot Mustang after driving an exquisite Ferrari masterpiece.
Time and technique go on. The MIT AC2 was a good cable when it came out. But time goes one, and these days there are better ones. So what is the best now, can be changed all the time.

You need to improve all the time. MIT did not enough to improve. Other brands improve faster so they have an advantage at this moment.

I said it often; you need to compare as much as you can. Don't stare blindly. Open your eyes and ears.

Before owning it, the part to find the best is the fun part. So use it and enjoy it!!

You stated:

"The limitation of Shunyata is that they make instruments and voices bigger than they should be."

"Audio is very personal. It is just an opinion."