Elrod statement vs Shunyata anaconda zitrons

Has anyone compared the Elrod statement to the new shunyat anaconda zitrons? Would appreciate opinions.
Well Bo, I can only beg to hold a differing point of view on the exceptional wire products that I have experienced in my system.... Perhaps we value subtly different things in audio.

My apologies, but I do not do crushing of audio demos... On the other hand, I am delighted that you are on a mission, and am looking forward to reading your report on the AudioQuest wires.

Many people and I who love music and good audio are irritated by the low level and wrong approach of how audio shows are being held.

When there will be more information about differences and properties in audio tools, customer will get a much better endresult. This will give more happy people.
In my opinion, people who sell audio should excuse themselves from this thread. Their opinions are hopelessly biased and self-serving.

I have just inserted a Shunyata Python CX power cord and a Shunyata Zitron Anaconda digital cable. Images of instruments and vocals are the same as before insertion -- in proportion to the rest of the sound stage. No change.