As I look at all these posts

I am amazed at how many cable companies there are. ..and that's not including the big boys...Audioquest, Cardas, Kimber, Purist, Nordost, etc. This must prove something....who knows?
Liz may appreciate this. I refuse to pay alot for this muffler, metaphorically speaking. I've bought a bunch of custom I/Cs from Tom Tutay in Florida. Tom is well known and respected by many of our techie members.

Tom is very versatile. He designed a custom impedance buffer for me and as I just wrote sold me I/Cs to connect my phono pre to my line stage. Tom said the resistance and capacitance values of his cables are very low. His workmanship is impeccable and his prices reasonable.

If anyone wants to road test his cables, send me a message through A'gon and I'll pass along his telephone number. And no --- he doesn't have a web site or e mail. If you want to talk to him, you'll have to do it the old fashion way -- use the telephone. You know, that thing you lift off a receiver and you talk into the bottom of the hand set and listen at the top.

there are many manufacturers of other components as well.

i doubt there is a practical way to enumerate the number of companies producing each product type.

thus there is no way to easily determine which component has the most manufcturers.
Buconero....'it is all about profit.'.....what privately owned business isn't about
'profit'..sure there are a lot of cable makers. there are also many car
companies...many clothing manufacturers...many pizza parlors..many dog food
companies...all of them doing what they do for one reason..trying to make a
profit.Elizabeth..'easy to make cheaply, easy to sell for a big profit.'..if it's so
easy why don't you start your own cable company.? is cheap..starting your
own company, whatever it is, takes a lot of thought, hard work, sacrifice,
willingness to fail,which most people aren't willing to do, and usually, the
willingness to borrow a great deal of money.there are a lot of 'arm chair
quarterbacks ' in the world.