Cable Breakin

Just received a pair of HiDiamond 8 speaker cable. Out of the box they seem to be very laid back and lacking presence. Do these cables change with breakin and how long does breakin typically take?
I have been an audiophile for 60 years and have purchased many cables and have never experienced such a radical change in the sound of a SC. In fact have always found little or no breakin for any cables. Just reporting what I heard with these cables
I never bought the HiDiamond speaker cables, but all of my HiDiamond power cords and interconnects took many hours to break in. So give them some time.
01-30-13: Arh
I have been an audiophile for 60 years and have purchased many cables and have never experienced such a radical change in the sound of a SC. In fact have always found little or no breakin for any cables. Just reporting what I heard with these cables
Arh (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Your experience is 180' different from mine with many many cables passing through my system ranging from inexpensive to ultra expensive. I guess we have very very different systems.