I'm going to muddy the waters here by actually agreeing with both posters and give you my experience. Had the Grover XLRs for about 2.5 weeks burning in non-stop (my system in my sig).
1. Burn-in is possibly the most brutal I've ever found in any cable
2. During burn-in, the sound is forward and "front-seat"
3. Strengths during burn-in are pristine mids and detail, weaknesses are a white wine not red wine leanness
4. HOWEVER, after 150-200 hours, this DOES equalize and you're left with a pure, transparent, well-balanced sound
5. Imaging is wide, but in terms of depth, I would agree it's not rear-hall -- let's say it's between mid and front-seat
6. Compared to my Audience AU24Es, the Grovers give hardly anything away at all, at a fraction of the price -- so don't rule them out if you want this level of transparency and musicality without paying 4 or 5 times the price.
It's all about trade-offs, plus Grover has a 60 day return policy.