Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...

At the $200/pair price point new or used, how does GH ZX+ cables compare to others like Greg Straley Reality cables, Gabriel gold (GG) revelation/raptures and alike...

I am looking for a cable that is neutral, and does not act as a filter in any way to highlight a certain portion of the music. From top to bottom it must allow the source material to come through..

There were never any jaws dropping with Huffman cables in my system. They are good value for the money -- but no more than that, IMO. Actually, the latest Shunyata cables are not "super-priced" although their SQ certainly puts them in the category of "super high end", IMO. In fact, you can pick some of them up on Audiogon for well under $1000. Even some of the older versions are great -- with very reasonable price tags on Audiogon.

I also "pay attention to the performance of the room". I have Synergistic Research ART, 4 Steinmusic Harmonizers, 10 Schumann resonance devices (4 of which are Chartres coils), 4 QRT Symphony Pros, one 4-module QRT ElectroClear, 2 Shakti Hallographs, 2 Audio Magic PEAs, 2 Audio Magic Wave Stabilizers, and numerous DIY room treatments. I do not believe I have ignored "the performance of the room".


Sorry -- I have heard the new Huffman cables. They may blow "the others away" -- but they are nothing special in my system. Shunyata has done the "blowing" here. So yes, I am prejudiced in favor of their cables. They use OCC deep-cryo-ed copper. There is a world of difference. Not all copper is alike -- not by a long shot. There is nothing like OCC-deep cryo-ed copper, IMO. Huffman cables do not use OCC deep-cryo-ed copper.

Caelin Gabriel knows what he is doing. If you check the prices of his newest cables they are no longer thousands of dollars. He has priced them within reach of nearly everyone now -- even at retail -- while making huge improvements in SQ. I have never heard a Huffman cable that comes even close.

You may put your cables up "against any regardless of price." But that does not mean they would stand up to the comparison. In my experience, having done hundreds of A/B tests with Huffman cables they simply do not stand up under the comparison. By the way, neither do Gabriel Gold, Supra, Pangea and some of the others.

Huffman cables are good value for the money but they do not deliver superior SQ, IMO. If you have a look at the better virtual systems on Audiogon I think you will have a hard time finding any that have chosen Huffman cables "regardless of price".

With all due respect, you may note that I always state the following -- in my system and IMO. Yes, I am prejudiced. My prejudice is what works in my system. You are also prejudiced. Your prejudice is obviously for Huffman cables, being the maker. Shunyatas and Furutechs work very well in my system, far superior to Huffman cables.

I have found cables from a number of companies that may impress the listener, as least initially. Among these brands are Pangea, Gabriel Gold, Huffman and ASI Liveline. But when you make a serious appraisal of these cables after letting them settle into the system they end up as clear under-performers when compared A/B to better cables.

I have been doing comparative testing on cables -- hundreds of cables -- for years. I do not believe many people -- including many cable makers -- have done this kind of A/B testing using their cables head-to-head opposite the cables of the competition. They may announce they are willing to put their cables up against any other cables -- even much more expensive ones. But we have heard this sort of unimpressive declaration many times from many cable makers. This is simply called marketing. In fact, most makers have never done the comparative testing -- the testing that inevitably would show their cables fall short of better cables. But if they did in fact do this testing, does anyone think they would ever publish the results?

Your testimonial page is a very small sampling. And there are only 2 testimonials that mention Shunyata cables where the posters do not give any details of their systems. So, this information is of limited value. Of course, there are obviously systems where Huffman cables work well. But, as I stated earlier, if you have a look at the better virtual systems on Audiogon I think you will have a hard time finding any that have chosen Huffman cables "regardless of price".
Your funny Sabai, you speak with such authority but I know you, you're a long way from being an authority. You claim I stole your design, I did not. Your design doesn't work it kills the music.
Do you remember this email from you to me?
Hi Grover,

I just received the speaker connectors to be able to connect your speaker cables to my system. It took a bit of work getting it all connected because of the limited space behind the components -- and I have gained a few pounds over the years -- I need to inhale to be able to squeeze past the speaker binding posts. After about 20 seconds of Steve Lawrence remastered it became clear that my Cardas speaker cables will be up for sale. Your speaker cables produce the most beautiful music -- totally compelling -- the best speaker cables I have ever heard -- ever -- I kid you not. The music has never sounded so beautiful -- it just doesn't get more beautiful than this. I give you a big, big hug and send you many, many thanks.

Best ...