Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...

At the $200/pair price point new or used, how does GH ZX+ cables compare to others like Greg Straley Reality cables, Gabriel gold (GG) revelation/raptures and alike...

I am looking for a cable that is neutral, and does not act as a filter in any way to highlight a certain portion of the music. From top to bottom it must allow the source material to come through..
By the way it's a lie that I incorporated your design. I only use my own design Ken.

I stand corrected. I believe the 99.99 CDA-101 is very similar to OCC 99.99 copper.


You are correct. One size does not fit all. There are too many variables to be able to tell anyone what will or will not work best in their system. Each person has to discover this for themselves.

I love chocolate. Remembering how wrong I have been is a complement. It is by being wrong, and knowing I was wrong, that has enabled me to make such great strides toward improving my system. It is those who are afraid to be wrong who are the losers when it comes to developing their audio systems.

I note your comment that "I know how wonderful my cables are ..." Would anyone expect a cable maker to feel differently? I also note your frivolous answer to my respectful and serious comments about Audiogon Virtual Systems that still remain to be addressed. I also note a belittling tone in your response. It does not take too much to read between the lines, IMHO.

Once again, you appear to be personalizing this discussion rather than staying on topic. We have seen this in the past on the Forum -- attempts to sully the messenger instead of addressing the message. I believe most members of the Community are very wise to this sort of thing, having seen this happen so many times in the past. But since this is your first time posting on the Forum you may not be aware of how sophisticated and discerning Community members have become through the years.

Do you remember this email from you to me on May 31, 2013?

"I feel God has brought us together my friend ..."

Since you insist on going back to our professional association, you stated in your post "By the way it's a lie that I incorporated your design. I only use my own design Ken." Grover, you may indeed have changed your design AFTER incorporating my design in your cables. But do you remember your May 31, 2013 email to me? -- where you stated the following:

"I'm going to incorporate it [your design] into all my cables you won't believe the difference on the RCA's. Amazing. I'm in the process of buying a lot of submicron particle [name of metal]. The [name of metal] I bought is too large 15 micron and it sinks to the bottom like heavy stones ..."

You also stated on May 31, 2013 that "I feel God has brought us together my friend."