Audience XLR interconnects not working

..just purchased (used) XLR Audience AU 24e interconnects. I have tried them in my rig which is essentially Audio Research (CD5, Ref 5, Ref 110 plus Sony as an additional SACD source). I have tried the Audience source to pre, pre to power but not a whimper. Completely dead. Yet they work with a friend's rig which is Oppo and solid state amplification. Any ideas why? Is the wiring of the "hot" pin not compatible with AR? As a non-shielded interconnect is there something clashing there? There is no buzz, no mush...just silence. I am bewildered.
On my ARC LS 25MKII I have to flip a switch to use the balanced inputs and my ARC VT 100 MKIII also has a switch for balanced or singe ended use, you may have something like that on you equipment.
Noodlemonster, it is certainly a safe bet that none of the components in the OP's system or his friend's system are supplying phantom power to their XLR interfaces. We are not dealing with microphone amplifiers here.

Also, although I have a fair amount of experience with phantom powered professional microphones and mic amplifiers, I have no idea what you are talking about regarding "ghost signals," or when you refer to ghost signals being "180 degrees out of phase with the phantom signal." Phantom power is DC, and therefore has no phase, and is not an audio signal.

Or is your comment meant in jest?

-- Al
As always, I'll second Peter's suggestion. And testing continuity is also a good idea.
I'll second Andirocks......
Most amps have a switch you need to use for either RCAs or XLRs......
From the Reference 110 Owners Manual it is a fully balanced topography with no switches for XLR vs Single Ended Input, confirmed via the pic of rear view.

Manual Reads as Follows:
INPUT CONNECTOR: The Reference 110 uses a fully balanced circuit topology and has a pair of balanced XLR input connectors on the rear panel. It therefore requires a balanced preamplifier output, as provided by most Audio Research preamplifiers. Connect your preamplifier's output to the Reference 110 before turning on the amplifier.

Very odd indeed!