Wall Outlet Oyaide, Furutek, Wattgate, and others


Any recommendation which the Better Wall Outlet : Bicchino , Furutek , Oyaide , Wattgate or Others?
i used the power. Cord : Elrod Statement Gold, Diamand for the Amp,
And Purist 25 Anniversary for the rest equipment.j
“Because it is what I close to believe”

A lot of mfgers are now offering cables that are 7 and 9 gauge ... why so big ? Would they go through all the effort and expense for no benefit and what is the benefit of going to a larger gauge

Every thing in the chain from the power company to your component lies in series with the other connecting components

Unlike IC and speaker cables that must be driven by a low impedance source’s to a high impedance load’s and can be impacted by the LCR reactants ... power deliver components just sit there as a connection between two point acting as a bridge would in connecting the north and south banks of a river
@ Davehrab, If this receptilock recepticle is any thing like the company says it is, I will buy it NOW!, However, who has used it here, and can give honest impressions of the sound, good or bad, instead of what the company claims!
If low series resistance is the most important thing in power delivery, then why didn't someone do it sooner? Its a fairly simple concept.
Ozzy .. the price listed in the Lit. is 180? ... not sure if the ? is US dollars or Euro .. also need to check on shipping tariffs and taxes before there is any surprises from Europe

Assuming their resistance and grip figures are genuine this could be a real contender ... I don’t put much credence in the listening evaluation comparisons as that is more a subjective opinion where as the resistance and grip numbers are objective measurements

The other red flag is the use of the phrase “Pure Copper Conductors’ ... that might be a bit soft to work with so I would be interest in knowing which alloy Tin or Phosphorus/bronze they are based on ... my preference is beryllium like in my R1s and PS Audio Premier Ports

I think the word “Copper” is loosely interpreted and can lose something in translation from a foreign manufacture ... Pacific rim mfgers often use the word “Red Copper” to refer to the premium grade alloy they use ... but I believe the Red Copper is only Phosphorous Bronze and not the higher quality Beryllium grade alloy

If anybody can tech this one out it’s you Ozzy ... go get em Dog

Zd542 ... it’s not that difficult to understand and has been around since the days of Edison ... put some current through a resister and you will get a voltage drop ... a voltage drop = signal loss .. signal loss = information gone forever

Our components draw power off the peaks of the sine wave and in bursts ... it is not like water that is constantly flowing evenly out of a faucet ... it only draws current when it’s needed and how much it needs but if it isn’t there when it’s needed because resistance has reduced the voltage ... well then you stepped in the stream but the water passed you by

Should be Clear as Vodka now