Hello Al ... thanks for your enlightenment and how do you get your posts up so quick ... mine seem to take forever ..
I couldnt agree more with both your posts about a point of diminishing returns and how going to far can be detrimental ... also at certain levels things can be insignificant and irrelevant
I seemed to have gotten off course when I received a poke in the eye with a sharp stick over my comment
The most important thing in your power delivery system is low series resistance
It appears you support this point with your comment
In a local (in-house) power distribution system, however, impedance at 60 Hz will be dominated by resistance. Inductance and capacitance will become more significant at the frequencies of the much higher frequency components of the AC waveform
I never meant to imply that L and C were irrelevant ... only that R was more of a concern when looking at all 3 ... the reason being is rising series resistance would also increase Impedance
And, yes, resistance in series will add to impedance.
And the last piece of the puzzle is high or low Impedance ...
In answer to your last question, the impedance of the power delivery system should be low,
The enemy of my enemy is my friend ... Sun Tzu ... doesnt inductance act as a low pass filter allowing low frequencies to pass while presenting a rising Impedance to frequencies as they rise ... I think thats what you are saying
at least at frequencies up to and somewhat beyond the frequency components corresponding to the brief high current spikes that have been mentioned. (Series impedance that is high at frequencies greater than that may be helpful in reducing noise, but I would not expect an outlet to play much of a role in that regard).
OK so the outlet may not play a significant role in reducing RF.. but isnt the Inductance of the cabling our friend in helping defeat some RF ?
My comments' are much more theory based to try and understand which direction things move in and their possible effects where as youve run the numbers and can speak from a practical stand point of the value of those numbers ... but it seems we agree
Increase series resistance will raise impedance and we would prefer to have a deliver system with a low Impedance
Now I would like to share some incite with you ....
If you want to teach your grandchildren about taxes ... eat 30 percent of their Ice Cream (;-
Best Dave