Thankyou Mitch2, your contribution was well welcomed by me!, your recepticle link was very informative, Though the Furetech GTX-D gold may be my pick, after reading what was said in the link, the outlets seem to be about system matching, the Hubbell outlet was interesting at what it does for the mid-range, I would have liked to read a direct comparison of the Furetech GTX-D Gold versus Rhodium, The reviewer did not have a Gold on hand, maybe you can find a reviewer comparison of the two?, I will study your link more precisely, I do not know if this may be of interest to anyone, Chris Vanhaus of Vh-Audio sells many recepticles, and even gets some cryo treated that did not come that way, My point here is that he swears by the Furetech GTX-D gold for my Krell 700cx amp and my vincent cd-s7 tube digital player that consist of 4 tubes, on another note, have any of you got into place before a product in your system that was so revealing that you could clearly reconize your weakest point in your audio chain?, I am in that position, clearly, LOL!, My $6.50 20 amp recepticle on the amp, and $1.00 recepticle that came with house has to go, I have found out that with a profound after market power cord compaired to the stock power cord, the stock power cord hid many factors I was not aware of, now that they are exsposed, The recepticles are the weak link!, cheers gentleman.