@ Ssblnt99, Tara Labs just introduced new models of cables, The Omega gold is far beyound whats mentioned on this thread, However, The replacement of the Tara Labs Omega Gold Is the New Tara Labs Evolution Omega speaker cables, Tara labs claims is 75% better Than the Omega Gold, If you audition this cable, Be sure it is fully Broken-in, And please, Bring your Impressions to the Tara Labs Site Here on Audiogon, You would be the first, other than me, to listen to such a cable of this level of play back for home audio, The Evolution Omega Is second from the top, The New flag-ship cable is the Tara Labs Evolution Grandmaster I/C, Speaker cable, Power cord, The Gandmaster power cord will be introduced very soon, They have the proto-type now, look forward to your reply, Happy Listening.