Best speaker cable for Krell/Dynaudio?

Hi guys,

I'm looking for the best matching cable for my system. Any advice will be helpful. My components are
- Krell Evo 505 SACD player
- Krell Phantom II preamp
- Krell Evo 402e power amp
- Dynaudio C4 speakers

I use Nordost Cast ic's, Krell Vector HC and Nordost Vishnu power cords.

I'm now considering the following ones:
- Audioquest Redwood
- Wireworld Gold Eclipse 7
- Nordost Tyr 2
- Crystal Reference
- Purist Dominus
- Synergistic Element Tungsten
- Tara Labs 0.8
- Kimber 6065

So, what do you think?
@Mapman, Hi, my search ended with Tara cables. I'll lend AQ Redwood for testing against Tara Omega Gold. I'm very curious what will be the main difference between the sounding.
Audio is about understanding all different parts where you Judge a cable for.

I also sold Tara Labs in the past. AQ and Tarlabs bought give a sharp individual focus.

Choose about 5 music numbers you know very well. You need to make it as simple as possible for yourself.

You can choose different kind of music you all like.

Also for the future it is important to use Always the same numbers. For people with less knowledge this makes it a lot more easy.

I even helped people to focus on part for part during comparing cables.

When you read my story about Total Sound. You know a little where you can Judge the cables for.

Good luck an enjoy it. It can be a lot of fun......
Thankyou and your welcome Ssblnt99, I look forward to read what you have to say on the Tara Thread.
Audioquest Redwood against Tara Labs Omega Gold speaker cable, That's funny, I'm sure the Red wood is a good cable, However, The Omega gold is considered one of the best speaker cables available, It's in a different league, you made a good choice Ssblnt99, congrats are in order!
The Taralabs still uses copper. I have proven that I can create a higher level in blacks, timing, sharpness in individual focus, resolution, differences in Heights and stage depth with silver.

Yesterday I received my new Audioquest Wel Signature xlr inerconnect.

Mannnnnnn.......this is from another world. I will write a review in a few weeks.

Later this year I will buy the Wel Signature loudspeakercable as well.

The black level of the Redwood is stunning. Also listen to 2nd and 3th voices of a recoding. Silver let you hear these things in a recoding much easier than copper can.

The Redwood uses almost 40% silver. You also can hear it back in the level of Decay in the left and right corners of your speakers during listening.

Audioquest is extreme precise in letting you hear all different parts of a recoding separately during listening.