Best speaker cable for Krell/Dynaudio?

Hi guys,

I'm looking for the best matching cable for my system. Any advice will be helpful. My components are
- Krell Evo 505 SACD player
- Krell Phantom II preamp
- Krell Evo 402e power amp
- Dynaudio C4 speakers

I use Nordost Cast ic's, Krell Vector HC and Nordost Vishnu power cords.

I'm now considering the following ones:
- Audioquest Redwood
- Wireworld Gold Eclipse 7
- Nordost Tyr 2
- Crystal Reference
- Purist Dominus
- Synergistic Element Tungsten
- Tara Labs 0.8
- Kimber 6065

So, what do you think?
@Bo1972, What are your main components, and what xlr cable have you changed to the Wel Signature? It would be very helpful to know what cable have you used before.

What you said sounds very promising, and that's why should I audition Redwood to get some taste of AQ.
I went from the new Wild Blue Yonder to the Wel.

I also will change my pure silver Acapella to Wel.

I think it would be interesting to compare the Omega with the Wel Signature.

I also hope to compare the Wel with Transparent best cables. One of my contacts does Transparent. He visits me sometimes.

You can see in my threads and aswers what I use.
Bo, how do I find your other threads. Just interested. Thanks

Just back from a long trip to Wash DC via Audio Connections in Verona, NJ and a bunch of stores down to DejaVu in VA. Those are the two best audio stores I have come across in years. Passion and a great choice of products that to my ear, sound incredible. Different approaches.
John at AC, vinyl, Vandy and AQ
Steven and Vu at DejaVu, vinyl, Audio Note

On the trip I was blown away by the single ended sound of AN. I loved the sound, however I think it was lacking a bit vs the systems John has put together for me.

I think I was able to hear the differences in cables on this trip. I went from AQ at John's to Cardas, Tara, Kimber and AN (plus a ton of others that are constantly mentioned). In the end I found that the AQ, Cardas and Tara seemed to be the best with different components.

In the AQ line, the differences are quite amazing the higher up you go in their line (ie different layout and adding silver). Their WEL line is sick good and what Richard Vandersteen uses. I've heard this cable once and was blown away by what it did with good components and not even great ones. I never liked silver until I heard what it can do. Then I hear the AN cables with silver and I think I"m onto something. The more silver, the more accurate, fast and NATURAL. Not tipped up high end like it used to be. I'm just a music lover and not an engineer. I understand grain patterns and metallurgy as I used to sell gold in the dental industry.

Each cable just sounds different and you have to really listen and match. For a lay person like me, I have found that AQ is the easiest way to go and a place where you can easily end. I will say you should get at a min the DBS battery packs. Those things really seem to relax the sound and make it special. The higher up you go will give you different sound, but depending on components you are using, they may not be a better sound. Once you are into their highest regions, the WEL is just special and can probably make a 1500 integrated sound like once twice as much. It will get everything out of it that you can get.

Cardas has a nice, relaxed presentation on what I heard it on also. It actually let me enjoy some speakers and electronics that I haven't liked in the past. I have learned that most stores don't have a clue as to what sounds best in their systems or they just want things to be big, bright and deep (not always the right deep or high either).

Kimber has sounded good on some systems too, but again, it comes down to matching. You can start a thread on here and ask what is best in anything and it doesn't matter. Every room and ear are so different. Bo and I love the AQ line from top to bottom right now, but we both agree that sometimes other cables are great sounding too (I think that's your position Bo), but others of you sell different cables and love them more or you get a better mark up, lol.

Stores are in business to sell and make money, however some of you who own shops, really care about the customer's happiness and you do try to teach them. The two stores I mentioned have treated me so well that I'll send my friends in DC to DejaVu as they will give personalized service and sell what the person really wants. Same with Johnny at Audio Connection. I'm not a shill for anyone as I think a local store is needed for all of us.

I know my post deviates a bit from the thread, but I believe strongly that I"ve tied it in and that it's message is that you have to try as many things as you can OR you can find a dealer who understands YOU and your ear. They need to know your listening room, however we all know that rarely happens. That's why you need someone who will come to your home and set up your system. Hopefully they can bring a few sets of different cables and a component or two to help you make up your mind.

I've heard top of the line Dynaudio with top AQ, Cardas and Tara cables and I chose the AQ's as best, however some like the other two. The AQ had to be in their top of the line stuff otherwise they will be too bright for my ear, but when matched properly they will open up that Krell too. Not my cup of tea (being honest), but I did list what I have liked best with Dynaudio speakers when I've heard them in different rooms and different models. JMHO...
That is why I will buy the Wel Signature loudspeakercable this year as well. I want to do it in parts, that is a lot more fun to do. When you own it all directly, it is not that special anymore.

I have put a lot of effort in resolution, articulation, blacks, stage depth and width, sound realism and a physical individual focus of instruments and voices.

The Wel puts music to a much higher level. In all your recordings you thought you know well you hear a lot more height differences. But mann this is the most musical silver cable I ever heard so far.

The air it puts around voices make them so much more intimate. The level of emotion what you feel during playback is a lot higher.

I have spoken to the head of Audioquest Europe yesterday. I invited him to come soon. I want to do something with it. This level of sound need to be shared.

This is listening to music at the max!
You can read back everything I click on my name. Here you see the threads, answers and reviews.