Best speaker cable for Krell/Dynaudio?

Hi guys,

I'm looking for the best matching cable for my system. Any advice will be helpful. My components are
- Krell Evo 505 SACD player
- Krell Phantom II preamp
- Krell Evo 402e power amp
- Dynaudio C4 speakers

I use Nordost Cast ic's, Krell Vector HC and Nordost Vishnu power cords.

I'm now considering the following ones:
- Audioquest Redwood
- Wireworld Gold Eclipse 7
- Nordost Tyr 2
- Crystal Reference
- Purist Dominus
- Synergistic Element Tungsten
- Tara Labs 0.8
- Kimber 6065

So, what do you think?
Hi Keith, I'm still waiting for cords, it took a few weeks for my dealer to get them with schuko plugs from Tara. Package will be ready for shipping next week, and another week to receive. I'll post my impressions in Tara thread asap.
ok, power cords?, I thought you wanted speaker cables?, Not sure if you will like any of the power cords unless it's the new Grandmaster power cord, All the top tier Tara labs Interconnects and speaker cables I will recommend.cheers
I posted in my 06-12-14 comment, I bought Omega Gold speaker cables and two Cobalts.
Ssblnt99, The Tara Omega gold speaker cables you are getting are a very profound speaker cable, The cobalt Power cord I own to, I have mixed impressions on that power cord, it has many good attributes, but some of the attributes I do not like, I will see how it pans out, I am not sure if it is wise to run a full loom Of Tara or any other cable for the first time!, The Zeo gold interconnect and Omega Gold speaker cables sound prolific together, when I use the cobalt with this set-up I have extrodinary clarity and Holographic sound, However, I am not happy with the thin bass, the bass seems to be over focused, It's a sound I am not familiar with, and do not like, my stock power cord with the other Tara cables has awsome bass with less clarity on the rest of the sound, I will see how this ends up, My amp is burning-in to 500 hours, I am at 159 hours, still, I cannot explain why the stock power cord on my digital player has so much better bass A/B the two power cords, just letting you know you might not like the cobalts, I also wanted you to know, try the speaker cables with other power cords, stock or not, you will not have problems with the speaker cables, they are incredible in every way possible, cheers.