HiDiamond cables burn-in


I've got a question to anyone with experience in HiDiamond cables burn-in process after buying new.
2 Weeks ago I bought a matching interconnect and speaker cable set for my system which has been playing for 2 weeks now, about 8 hours a day.
Both are the HiDiamond Power Carbons.
I've owned a lot of highly regarded cable brands, and to me the HiDiamonds really are a surprise.
Some sound aspects I've not yet experienced before with any cable and they certainly enhance listening pleasure.
But I also find the cables still to be lacking in something that is hard to describe, I want to say openness, but this would not be accurate, sometimes I think they are a little rolled of, but on this point also a lot of recordings show the opposite.
I think maybe it is a little lacking in showing the "etches" of details, sometimes resulting in a smaller degree of material or colour of intruments etc. to shine through,
maybe even sounding slightly muffled at times.
Part of this effect also in my opinion is a strength of these cables, because while they sound very detailed, transparent and defined, they really never sound harsh or forced, it sounds as if this is partly due to the effect I am describing.
But before I've written myself an entire chronicle, my question is, can I still expect the cables to open up and reveal more colors of the recoring or will this be it?
Would like some opinions because I do think they are worth the wait, but would hate to be waiting for something that will not take place.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.
I own the HiDiamond 3-XLR, Diamond 8 speaker cables, power cords P-3 and P-4. It could take up to 500 hours to reach their full potential.
If your equipment is solid state you might want to run an AM or FM station through the system 24/7 or if possible use a cable cooker to achieve the breakin. The sound should mature, but you have to give it more time. I find the HiDiamond products produce a very natural sound.
Hi Hak,

Thanks very much for your reply.
Was hoping someone would say something like that.
Does the balance or the characteristics of these cables in your system in any way indicate that in a system already somewhat on the warmer side would be to much?
Or are they in your opinion definitely open and transparent enough to mate well in a warmer system?
Tuff question to answer because I think all systems are so independent of each other, and as listeners we have different likes and dislikes. With that said I think the HiDiamond products are open and transparent enough to mate well in a warmer system, but others might disagree and have better suggestions as to other interconnects and speaker cables etc.
Give them a chance to really burn in before you make a decision. Just remember that burn in could take a long time.
Hi Barto,

Which model HD cables do you have? My understanding is the higher the model the longer the break-in. The D8 speaker cables I am using took close to 400 hours to fully open up. Initially and during the first 100 hours or so, I experienced the cable fluctuating between slow flubby bass to periods of stridency. It took quite a bit of time to settle, eventually creating a musical yet resolved presentation. My system, which is analog and tube driven leaves no want for detail.
The power cables took even longer.