blue jeans cable?

anyone have any experience with these guys? i just want some good conductive cables for my zu omens...
From the Blue Jeans Cable website with respect to the owner's philosophy...

"Our objective is to provide you with professional-grade cabling for your home audio and video components, without all the hype and pseudoscience sometimes associated with the marketing of audio/video cables."

"We want to sell cable the way engineers buy cable--on the basis of real, verifiable, measurable performance."
BJ Cable sells good quality cable with good terminations. I own a few pairs.

The owner's philosophy is that cables make no difference in the sound whatsoever. His prices are fair, but his products are not amazing for that reason.

I think what the owner means is that his cables are neutral and do not add any coloration to the sound. I asked him for advice a while back regarding Canare vs. Belden cable and he replied with a lengthy email detailing the physics of how a cable is made and carries current between components. He said that neither brand would influence the sound in a system, and then added that some manufacturers sell cables to be used as tone controls and that this is the wrong approach.

It was not the answer to my question, but I think his point was that his cables provided a neutral pathway and did not add coloration to the sound of the original source material.

I agree with Runnin that with higher end gear, cable choice can provide different sonic benefits within a system.
I am not dissing Blue Jeans in any way; they provide a good bang for the buck.
Beside the basic asssessment made by Lowrider 57 that "[Blue Jean]....cables are neutral and do not add any colorations to the sound", can we get more specifics as to the sound quality of these cables. One AG member claimed on another thread that the Belden speaker cable is BETTER THAN the Canare 4sII speaker cable which to him sounded "muddy and unclear"

So can a member with good knowledge of these two models come forward and provide more specific performance details of both cables; for example, overall smoothness and musicality. Thanks. Jim
These cables along with Mogami are valued by studios for there clean uncolored sound. If you do not like your system and are buying cables to make it sound more to your liking look elsewhere . Of course you need cables in the first place to hear the whole package . so give them a try . they are cheap compared to the 1000 times over priced copper wire put into fancy jackets and pamphlets ,packaging of well "known " cable manufacturers.
They are simply ok by Aphile standards and will do the job fine if you are not looking for resolving refinement.

I owned and currently own several of their cables for testing gear, back-up etc.... The cables I have tried can sound a tad bright, electronic, and unrefined compared to great cabling. I am talking about the LC-1 cable.

For the money I have not heard better and the build quality is very high. They are not word class or giant killers however.

I can easily hear tremendous differences in refinement and natural presentation between the LC-1 and better sounding, more expensive cable. The owner seems ignorant of this reality, but seems to do a good job on his affordable cable.