Breaking of Furutech's AC connectors...??

Hi dear fellows!Do you know how many hours needs a Furutech AC connector to breaking?I' ve heard something like 150 hours.Is that ok or may be sooner is the breaking time?Any comments will be appreciated.Cheers!Rafael.
Hi dear fellows.After 120 hs of break in the FI 11- N1 gold furutech Ac connectors, I still notice improvements in sound qualities.It seems the sky is the limit for this connectors!!Respect to last week listening , they gained in more depth in soundstage,instruments are more separeted in the scene as in a stage in a living concert, voices are more upfronted so you have more 3d sensation and more real sound.I think this process will take 200 hs as Chris Venhaus of VH Audio suggested and Michelzay of Audiogon says.My suggestion is that if you want to upgrade AC connectors, these ones are an excellent option.I feel like if I upgraded my PAD musaeus for a higher cable in the line.I`m very happy!I will write later when I notice any other improvenments.Cheers!Raf
Thanks Rafael0054 for the feed back, I enjoy your journey for what is possible with Furutech, cheers.
Hi czarivey.Thanks for your good sense of humor!!Now seriously speaking I could assume that you don't believe in these improvements in sound qualities with the use, and if that is the case, it's ok. Everyone is free to think as he case I only believe in what my ears tell me, and with the time passing what I hear is always in changement (for good) fortunately.Cheers!Raf
Raf, Thanks for understanding my humor. :-)
I can't say that I'm not believer, I simply find no time to experiment and AB before and after using same tracks regardless weather it does or doesn't make any differences. I doubt that I'll ever tolerate playing same track to perfect sound by properly breaking-in wires or components. All I want to do when I turn my equipment on is to listen to new music. I als haven't seen studio engineers paying any attention to broken-in wires or equipment as I've been to number of recording studios.
As to fancy tweaks such as cable burners or CD demagnetizers, I look to studio set-ups to verify what necessary or not.