Directional speaker cables - switching direction

Some time ago I started a thread regarding speaker wire directionality and my inability to understand how it could have any affect on sound quality. The question was inspired by the fact that, after quite a few years using them with my Martin Logan Odysseys, I discovered that the cables (Straightwire Octave 2) had arrows printed on them. Not surprisingly the opinions expressed were pretty strong on both sides of the argument but those supporting directionality were the most vociferous and in greater numbers, one to the point of being downright insulting. In no case, though, was an explanation given by those supporting the importance of cable direction for how this phenomenon occurs except that it should be obvious that when a cable is broken in in one direction only someone with an uneducated ear would be unable to discern the difference.

Even though I still don't get it I'm not taking the position that there is no validity to the directional claim; if there truly is I just don't understand how. This leads me to my two part question. I haven't been using the Octaves for a few years but now, because of cable length issues, I want to put them back in my system partly to avoid the cost of new quality cables.

IF, then, the directionality theory IS valid and I don't recall which way the arrows originally pointed or which direction they were "broken in" do those in support of directionality think I should install them with the arrows pointing toward the speakers

The revelation that digital interconnects and their direction can introduce large differences in measured jitter was quite a shock. The differences heard between digital interconnects—and in their directionality—have now been substantiated by measurement

The Why? Who cares.... The point is, there was a difference. A measurable difference.
12-18-14: Geoffkait
I also do not happen to think the dielectric material affects the velocity of the signal. As I already said I think the velocity of the signal is fixed (constant) for a given medium, I.e., copper or whatever.
That is not true, Geoff. What Kijanki said is correct. For starters, see this Wikipedia writeup. Many other references can be found which will further confirm this. Widely varying propagation velocity specifications for various cables utilizing copper conductors can also be found.
12-18-14: Jea48
An experiment for those of you that use a CD transport and a separate DAC. If your digital coax cable has a solid core center conductor try this experiment. First listen to a good sounding CD with a strong female voice. Find a particular track you like and listen to it closely a few times. Now flip the digital cable end for end and then listen again. One good CD that comes to mind is, Etta James "Love Songs" track 1) "At Last". Also try a good sounding CD with a piano solo. Post back your results.
I don't use a separate DAC, but FWIW I can hypothesize a reason why a symmetrically designed digital cable may sound different, under some circumstances, depending on the direction in which it is connected. My hypothesis, though, has nothing to do with the wire itself having directional properties, and says nothing about the possibility that a symmetrically designed cable conducting analog signals may be have directional properties.

The connection between a digital cable and its connectors will have an impedance discontinuity and inaccuracy to some non-zero degree, which will result, to some non-zero degree, in some fraction of the amplitudes of whatever RF frequencies it may be asked to conduct being reflected back toward the source of the signal. I would expect the magnitude and character of that impedance discontinuity to not be totally identical at the two ends of the cable, due to small differences in solder application, crimping, etc., and perhaps even to dimensional tolerances in the connector.

Also, the output impedance of the component driving the cable and the input impedance of the component receiving the signal will not be precisely accurate.

Therefore the impedance mismatches between the cable and each of the connected components will differ depending on which end is connected where. And digital audio signals contain frequency components extending well into the RF region, up to at least tens of MHz. (Keep in mind that the risetimes and falltimes of the signal contain significant frequency components that are much higher than the clock rate and the data rate).

Depending on these factors, and also on the length of the cable, and also on the data rate that is being transmitted, the resulting reflections may very conceivably affect waveform quality at or near the mid-point of positive-going and negative-going transitions of the signal, those transition mid-points being what the receiving circuitry responds to. Degradation of those parts of the waveform will affect jitter, and therefore potentially sonics, to some degree. And that potential degradation will, per the earlier parts of this explanation, be affected by which connector is mated with which component. It will also be affected by whether the more significant of the two potential mismatches is at the receiving end or the transmitting end, and by the degree of impedance mismatch at both ends (which will affect how many back and forth re-reflections occur until their amplitude becomes insignificant).

See this paper for further discussion of the effects of impedance mismatches and waveform reflections on jitter, although the paper does not address the question of directionality.

If all of that sounds a bit far-fetched, IMO it is less farfetched than an assertion that wires themselves have directional properties to an audibly significant degree.

Best regards,
-- Al
P.S: My post just above was written before Jim's post immediately above it appeared. I haven't yet read the Stereophile article he linked to, but I'll post back later if it prompts any further thoughts.

Best regards,
-- Al
Al, link works if you remove last characters after "9".

Their test proves what you just said - digital cable is not exactly symmetrical presenting slightly different characteristic impedance on both ends. This is very different from directional properties of wire alone carrying analog audio signals.

Many people believe that we should be able to determine that cables are not directional if they present the same measurement from both sides hence two cables with the same measurements should sound identical. I don't believe this to be true. I seriously doubt that one can measure any difference between oxygen free copper (thousands of crystals) or zero crystal copper that comes from continuous casting process - a slow cooling in heated molds to avoid crystallization. Best instruments wouldn't be able to measure this but many claims it makes a difference. Would I be able to tell the difference chopping off 3' of one of the speaker cables - most likely not but my cables are very neutral sounding. Perhaps audio possesses a little bit of black magic?
Thanks, Kijanki. Agreed on all counts, although IMO the words "little bit" in your post should be particularly emphasized.

To quote an excerpt from page 4 of the article:
I performed the same tests using the low-jitter PS Audio Lambda transport as source. The results were very different. With a good source, cable direction didn't make a difference in the measurable jitter (fig.10). This suggests that the SV-3700—or any poor-quality transmitter—reacts with the cable's impedance to create jitter-inducing reflections in the interface. The directionality was probably caused by differences in the way the two RCA plugs were soldered to the cable; any bumps or discontinuities in the solder or RCA plug will cause a change in the characteristic impedance, which will cause higher-amplitude reflections in one direction than in the other. These reflections set up dynamically changing standing waves in the interface, introducing jitter in the embedded clock. These problems were reduced by the Lambda's higher-quality output circuit. In short, the worse the transport, the more cables—and their direction—affect sound quality.
Exactly what I speculated in my previous post, with some added elaboration based on the measurements that were performed.

Best regards,
-- Al