The most holographic Power Cord

Thanks for your interest in my topic.

As we know, different cables can have a different effect on the sound space. And now I would like to know a power cord with the most large, holographic and open soundstage.

The first candidates from me:
Synergistic Research with tungsten conductors
Crystal Clear Audio
Elrod Power Systems
Audio is not abot what it cost, but all about what it brings
in quality.

When I became aware of the influence of powercables, I started
to do blind tests. This is the most convincing way to sell
them and make people want them to buy.

A few examples: source/amp of 2000 euro with a powercable of
2600 euro against source/amp of 5000 euro with a 100 euro

It was easier to create a higher endresult with the 2000 euro
amp and source with an expensive powercable than with a 5000
euro amp/source with a 100 europowercabel.

Most people thought they would prefer the other option.

This year we test a Wadia 7Si with a heavensgate powercable of
2000 euro against a Purist Audio Design Limited Edition. The
owner of the Heavensgate agreed that with the Limited Edition
it more than doubled in quality compared to the Wadia with the
Heavensgate. It was stunninh how much more dynamic and layers
you could hear. How superior the blacks were. And instruments
and voices became fully physical. And how much more details
there were.

Audio is all about comparing and testing!
Forget about power cords.
Just try the Fusion Audio Romance IC1 (pure copper version only, not the gold-copper IC2 one). Just a pair, anywhere in the system, will suffice. And be prepared - you are in for a shock: you'll think the sound is coming from the walls, or the roof or from behind the listening position. I've never experienced such a huge, holographic soundtage.

give us an update, did you buy a pc? Of the excellent suggestions here, did you demo any of these pc(s) ?

Keep me posted & happy listening!
Happy New Year.
No, Jafant, I still choosing between Stage III Vortex Prime, Crystal Clear Magnum Opus and Argento or Organic AudioS. But actually I can choose something else if it will be guaranteed better than these. Think, $700-$1300 is my budget for this purchase. I should also clarify the next: despite that I started thread without specifying of any concrete component, actually I'm looking for a more or less universal and neutral power cord for various DIGITAL SOURCES.
Labtec, what I meant was, you only spoke about experiencing the mentioned power cables in other ones systems and not in your own. I therefore concluded maybe never in your system since you do not speak about that?
It was not meant to be offensive man, cheer up.
Most of my post was about my experience with them in general, up until not very long ago most cables I used worked better with some gear than others.
At the moment I only use HiDiamond power cables, and they SEEM like a pretty much neutral upgrade without emphasising or exaggerating something but enlarging soundstage, improving blacks, detail and definition.
But I did not think you would be interested in any more info on the matter, because as you up front stated about our delusional problems that "us clowns" have, we will tell you anything to affirm ourself.
If gear is good, it does not mean it will not sound better with a quality matching power cord.
That's the main perspective we differ in I think.