Can Silver Interconnects be bright in your gear


I am considering getting a pair of silver interconnects
by Crystal Clear Audio Master Class series.My system tends to lean on the bright side due to my room acoustics.i was just wondering if a pair of silver interconnects can add to this problem?And does anybody have experience with Crystal Clear Interconnects?
From my experiences, yes, silver can accentuate brightness. I have found that silver clad copper seems to accentuate this issue even more. However, if your system already leans towards the bright side, you may be better off with copper.
I'm convinced it just shows up the inherent brightness of one's system.
May add a bit, but not much.
I want to love silver interconnects. I really do. In my system every pair of silver interconnects I auditioned provided an astounding degree of precision, speed and detail when compared to copper cables. I loved it, I loved hearing details in recordings which, while inferred, were not as well presented with copper But, what I also had to accept was a degree of brightness which made me feel that the sound was thinner overall and, most importantly, sometimes difficult to listen to for long periods. I felt the silver cables I've auditioned didn't provide the sensation of enveloping warmth I like when I feel surrounded by what I am listening to. I found it strange too since my rig, with the exception of the CDP, is all tubed. That said, it's really up to your ears. If you think it sounds too's too bright. And I think it probably unfair at some level to say that "silver does this" and "copper does that". In my audio travels, in my system, I found both silver and copper interconnects which played poorly to my ears. My advice is just keep auditioning different cables and pay no attention to what manufacturer's, reviewers and salesmen say. You will find a set (or two, or three) that will make you smile.