transparent cables

With Transparent Cable releasing the series 5 cables. It has made the mm2 more affordable for some of us. What i would like to know is it worth it to go from Reference level mm2 to Reference XL mm2? Or would it be better to wait until i can jump to the series 5. How big is the change from Reference mm2 to Reference XL mm2 one level up.
Thanks Pete
I have the Ultra Gen 5 speaker cables which offer superior sound to Ultra MM2. To get the best performance I would get the level that allows you to afford IC's, speaker cables and power cord(s). Get their $495 duplex power conditioner if you can as well. Your system will be transformed.
Hopefully this thread is still somewhat alive. I just demo'd a musiclink plus tonearm cable and compared it with a synergistic tricon and a kimber tak-h. Quite a difference. I the transparent is way more musical and rich, but the SR and Kimber provide more speed and air. I'm just guessing that as you move up the transparent line, the music opens up more, images better, while retaining that much more rich musical presentation. Can any of you Transparent aficionados one confirm this?

Also, unfortunately CableCo does not offer Transparent, so no demos to be had there. So, I'm wondering, what other mfg comes close to the Transparent music presentation?
Yes, Poon-

I can confirm that as one moves up the Transparent chain, you will be rewarded. Things go beyond all expectations w/ the OPUS cabling. It will cost you for sure, most important, you will never have any need to change out cabling!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!