Has biwire speaker cabling become "old" ?

I notice some makers are not stocking biwire termination. Has biwire gone out of favor ? Was it sonically meaningless ?
Have speaker makers dropped it ? Do us owners of biwire built speakers need to resort to jumpers or aftermarket biwire cables now ?
Silverline Audio recommends biwiring for all their speakers in their somewhat generic setup suggestions. When I found a used pair of Preludes years ago I found that one driver wasn't working so I called Silverline to see about a replacement (it was a wiring issue so I ended up not needing one) and Alan Yun (the owner/designer) answers the phone...a fun conversation ensued where he tells me the Preludes specifically should NOT be biwired as they're more "coherent" single wired. I tried both ways, and he was right...my conclusion is that it is taste and/or speaker specific, and nothing should be assumed without listening closely.
Wondering Wolf if Alan told you why he has biwire connectors on the speakers if they specifically should Not be biwired...
"03-22-15: Jl35
Wondering Wolf if Alan told you why he has biwire connectors on the speakers if they specifically should Not be biwired..."

To biamp.
Hard to imagine many speakers at that price point are actually bi-amped. Does having the second set of terminals and then using a jumper, degrade the performance you would get from a single terminal/single cable?
03-22-15: Jl35
Does having the second set of terminals and then using a jumper, degrade the performance you would get from a single terminal/single cable?

That's hard to say, since I've never heard any speakers that offer both options, single pair of binding posts and double pair of posts.
It would make for an interesting experiment though.