Using solid copper Door Bell wire as speaker wire.

In the search for good speaker wire that doesn't break the bank, I came across a forum where one guy asserted that solid copper door bell wire would be the same as the solid copper wire that costs big bucks. The wire in question is 18 gauge. Can anyone out there confirm or rebut this assertion?

I've got Audio Research D-51 tube amp, Audible Illusions Modulus tube pre-amp, Rogers L2sa speakers, Oppo BDP95 CD and Project Expression III Classic turntable with Sumiko Pearl cartridge.
I've heard the 54 ga Omega Mikros from Mapleshade. Now, those are impressive!
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Door bell wire?, wow!, considering I wouldn't use that on a Walmart rca system, looking at what the op has, this has got to be a joke, no pune tended, however, with that money that has been invested in his system, why not get quality cables?, cables are a component!