A lot of good choices so far (Hiss Golden Messenger being my personal favorite among them), but there are a few names that I'd add.
First - since the OP mentions Uncle Tupelo/Son Volt/Wilco among his reference points - I'd suggest a quick listen to The Bottle Rockets. Tom Henneman was a guitar tech and "non-member" of Uncle Tupelo and I regard Bottle Rockets as the third "nephew" band. They've done some great stuff over the years (I'm a sucker for sad songs and Waiting on a Train is my gold standard for hard rockin' weepers). I'd think this is close to a "can't miss" recommendation given Todd's stated preferences - although I've been wrong before.
Two other names that immediately come to mind are 16 Horsepower (picture Uncle Tupelo as channeled by a bible thumping hillbilly on psychedelic drugs) and Alejandro Escovedo. When Escovedo was really on his game (roughly 1992 to 2005) , I'd argue that his output held his own with anyone's. An A list name for sure.
Straying further from rock music, Townes Van Zandt is also worth thinking about. Like Escovedo, I think Townes best material is is truly timeless music.