Miles Davis The Original Mono CD's

Columbia just released remastered Miles first 9 recordings including Kind Of Blue, as well as some Collaberations with Gil Evans. Comes as a 9 cd set.

With all the other "remastered" versions of these classic recordings do you think the sound quality will actually be improved? Or is this just another way for the label to get more of our bucks?
Jafant--it was obviously recorded in stereo, it's not one of those "electronically reprocessed" mixes. My question is: was not the stereo mix done at the same time and therefore does it not have as much legitimacy as the mono mix?

I have no problems whatsoever with the stereo mix of KOB, but I'll give another listen to see if I'm missing some deficiency somewhere.

As to the notion of "soundstage" on a mono recording I'm either misunderstanding the definition of the term or having a difficult time understanding how it would even exist. What I understand to be the soundstage is what comes from the actual placement (using the pan control for each channel) of the instruments in the right/left channel scheme. There is no such thing in mono.
"Much more realistic soundstage.
And incredible depth into the music. More like the musicians are in my room. Speakers totally disappear."

I share these exact sentiments as Yashu. Plus: The instruments sound much more "real". I'm there!
I am with Yashu as well on his description of the mono version. The mono 24/192 download of KOB is the best sounding I have heard so far. The stereo version places instruments unnaturally too far to the right or to the left.
Back to Tostado-

if , in fact, KOB was recorded in stereo circa 1959, it would have been a very early stereo (nothing like what stereo would become in the 1960's)...
I ended up buying Miles at Newport 1958 to supplant the final disc in this box set. Is its audio quality as good as the box discs? Not quite, but I find the audio differences (including stereo vs. mono) less jolting than the piano stylings of Monk in a Davis box set. I feel better now.