As I do for all advice solicited on these forums, I'm usually just looking for good starting points toward particular and, in the end, adjusted personal goals. In the past, though, I've not paid sufficient attention to recording labels which has resulted in continued failed attempts to get more out of them than they could provide.
I don't have a purpose designed and built listening room, have suffered some age related hearing issues and have been advised that my equipment is not reference grade but it works well for me and seems to be quite revealing of upstream issues. Just so you know, these components are: Shanling Cd S-100, CAL Alpha DAC, Peachtree Nova as preamp, Peachtree 220W amp, Martin Logan Ethos speakers and misc not too special ICs and speaker cables.
Btw, Ptss, assuming my math to be correct, if 65 is the new 40, 72 would be the new 44, except I'm conviced that the effect on physical aging, including hearing acuity, beyond 60 is not as linear as we might wish.
I don't have a purpose designed and built listening room, have suffered some age related hearing issues and have been advised that my equipment is not reference grade but it works well for me and seems to be quite revealing of upstream issues. Just so you know, these components are: Shanling Cd S-100, CAL Alpha DAC, Peachtree Nova as preamp, Peachtree 220W amp, Martin Logan Ethos speakers and misc not too special ICs and speaker cables.
Btw, Ptss, assuming my math to be correct, if 65 is the new 40, 72 would be the new 44, except I'm conviced that the effect on physical aging, including hearing acuity, beyond 60 is not as linear as we might wish.