Diana Krall, Wallflower

Has anyone heard this new recording? I picked up the CD today and just got through listing to it. I'm normally not a fan of covers of hits but, she and her team knocked this one out of the park for me. You're not going to hear her killer piano chops, or bass, drums, guitar or whatever else instruments chops from the musician.. this album is more about the songs. The recording is really good, too.. on my system, anyway. Looking forward to hearing some thoughts and comments on this recording. Opinions from Negative Nancy's and Debbie downers are always entertaining, too. It's all subjective.
Krall's best album (CD) is her "Live in Paris" album. I have audiophile friends who absolutely hate Diana krall. They don't understand what I see (hear) in her. Her voice is sultry, sexy and her phrasing is excellent. Yes, she is no Sarah Vaughn ... but who is. Also, Krall's delicate touch on the piano kind of reminds me a little bit of Bill
Evans. My audiophile friends who hate Krall also hate Bill Evans. Go figure.
Tubegroover ...

I keep telling them that, but they keep saying that Bill Evans music is lounge music. I keep telling them top expand their musical taste. Go figure.
03-15-15: Tubegroover
Anyone who "hates" Bill Evans is just hopeless!
that would be me! LOL! :-D but i do like Diana Krall.
i listened to Waltz for Debby & just couldn't understand it! :( so i used 1 album to make that decision.
any other Bill Evans I should hear that might help me become less "hopeless"? thanks.

Oregonpapa, I beg to differ - her best album is her debut album "Stepping Out" followed by "When I look in your Eyes". Of course, my opinion.... ;-)
Bombaywalla ...

Try Tony Bennett's album with Bill Evans. An important
thing to remember about good jazz ... or any music for
that matter, is how important the notes that are NOT
played are. Miles was a master at this ... and so is Bill
Evans. It sounds odd, but once you start filling in the
left out notes yourself (in your head), you'll start to
really appreciate the more subtle styles of jazz. Diana
Krall is no slouch at this either on her ballads. Count
Basie was another master of leaving you to fill in the
notes. Again, on the Live in Paris album ... buy the DVD
and check that out. Joyful stuff.
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