the importance of music in film

I recently saw "Rudderless". I highly recommend this film to all. (A) main theme here was the (music). This music/the song writing, I found to be excellent in every way. It was absolutely amazing IMO.

I watched the credits but cannot remember the songwriters.
Worth checking out in any rate.
One of my (and my wife's) all time favorite films is the 1964 French musical "The_Umbrellas_of_Cherbourg". It is the only film I am aware of in which every word is sung, not spoken. The music was composed by Michel Legrand.

-- Al
One of my closest friends, Rob Guillory, does amazing soundtracks. His most recent, Long Distance Revolutionary, is a really adventurous exercise in avant-garde guitar composition. Unfortunately, the movie is hard to watch and many may find it offensive.

Music's great, tho.
Remember Roadhouse? The best part of the film was Jeff Healy. Wow!, what a superb artist who left us too soon.

Watched Whiplash last night, now that's great jazz music!

There are times when music is more important than dialogue; as a matter of fact, no dialogue would be as effective as this music with absolutely no dialogue. There is love, and there is "I will kill for you, I will die for you", kind of love. This particular scene in this movie expresses that kind of love, with absolutely no dialogue, just the music.

Enjoy the music.