Bob Weir documentary on Netflix

Just saw this. It's called THE OTHER ONE. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Cheers -Don
I just watched "Every Everything," the documentary about Grant Hart (most famously of Husker Du). He's become a little bitter (largely about Bob Mould still) and a tad pompous, but he's clearly very intelligent and an interesting guy, and the movie turned me on to his solo records, which I had never really listened to. It turns out he's done some really good work and played some beautiful songs since Husker Du.

On the other hand, it also caused me to go back and listen to a bunch of H-D records again. They still sound great to me. Grant and Bob wrote some great songs (and just wailed on their instruments in the greatest way).

If you're a Husker Du fan, definitely check it out.
manterored, thanks for the heads up on grant hart documentary--i've always regarded him as one of the great unsung songwriters. you'd probably dig the big star documentary, nothing can hurt you, which is now on netflix. if nothing else it shows chris bell was ever bit chilton's peer
Yep - I watched that Big Star doc last week. (I'm on a music documentary bender these days). I agree - it opened my eyes to Chris Bell.

wrt Husker Du, Grant Hart never really got his due.
I love music related documentaries I've watched most if not all the ones mentioned in this thread and enjoyed them all. Another one that I recently watched and found very interesting was David Bromberg: Unsung Treasure on amazon prime instant streaming. Sound City is another good one about the famous recording studio where many classic rock albums were recorded