Just for the record, I should mention that I've been married twice in the past. My first wife and I were together
for 9+ years before getting a no-fault divorce. And my second wife (who was everything the first WAS NOT) and I were together for three years; before she passed away quite suddenly following a surgery. For the past two years, my current girlfriend and I have been living together in my home. While I do try to get equipment racks, stands, and speakers that do blend well with out better quality furniture (mostly Ethan Allen); I've NEVER had to hide or in any way move my equipment around to meet with some arbitrary decorating scheme. Or for that matter meet with some overly fussy woman's "approval".
for 9+ years before getting a no-fault divorce. And my second wife (who was everything the first WAS NOT) and I were together for three years; before she passed away quite suddenly following a surgery. For the past two years, my current girlfriend and I have been living together in my home. While I do try to get equipment racks, stands, and speakers that do blend well with out better quality furniture (mostly Ethan Allen); I've NEVER had to hide or in any way move my equipment around to meet with some arbitrary decorating scheme. Or for that matter meet with some overly fussy woman's "approval".