Why Put Up With "Wife Approval Factor"?

During the past few weeks there have been a number of posts regarding finding cables, racks, and other items that wives and girlfriends "approve" of. It would appear that some of these choices have to be made so as not to "disturb" or "change" some type of decorating plan. Or that the choices might "clash" with the existing decor or home layout.
This leads me to question just "how important" audio really is for some of these folks. Or to maybe tweak a few noses the wrong way, ask how henpecked are some of these people? Haven't they made it clear to the wife or girlfriend that audio is a serious long-term interest; not just an expensive way to play background music? Haven't they made it clear that a first rate audio system is every bit as important to them as a nice jewelry item or set of furniture is to the wife or girlfriend?
While I realize that some of us have the luxury of a dedicated listening room; for many of us the family room or
living room is where the bulk of our main audio systems reside. What's wrong with having a nice looking audio set-up
in those rooms? The days of "sitting rooms" where TV screens and audio equipment are hidden is long gone. The only places that type of space exist any longer are in those "decorator" magazines that show the homes of the well-to-do and other decorators.
What are your thoughts?
WAF depends on how much she loves you. The more she loves you the more you can get away with. You made your bed so now you have to sleep in it, so don't cry about it later.
some of you poor souls make me feel like the luckiest man alive ... hey maaaaybe I am?
I get no complaints & plenty of support; she even understands some of the technicalities & her ears are better than mine too. I really hear about it when there's something amiss with the sound.
Regarding Towers: she does wish that I'd sell off some of my surplus though; the boxes are stacked floor to ceiling & there's more than one stack. Life could certainly be worse.
Sean... I'm surprised to hear you were/are a Klipsch guy. It seems like a shrinking crowd - is it another case of classic product lines being obscured my mediocre newer stuff? Does it matter that a speaker design is forty years old? Is there really that much difference between tube amp designs of 40 years ago and today?

My wife is very easygoing -- I have Klipsch La Scala pros up front (larger bass driver, black rumble-coat and PA handles, the one-piece model) and (prettier) walnut Forte IIs up back. Rogue M120 monos up front and CJ Sonographe SA400 in the rear. The tubes bought me lots of room with my wife ; ) Now, if she could only understand why I love push-pull, while she loves triode...

That may take a while.
Great reponses so far!!

Since my living room is 22 x 16 and the 16 consists of Aerial 10Ts outside, Aerial SW-12s (2) inside from there, with the Aerial CC-5 in the middle on the massive black stand, it is not the most attractive arrangement one could come up with. Since it is MY house, and she has moved in with ME, it will be dealt with. In California, when married, what you come into a marriage with is yours should you split. In Audio words, when you come into a house, what speakers/audio gear you see stays, and can be a revolving door.

It is a little easier when there is a Plasma on the back of the CC-5 stands and a 120" screen that drops in front for larger films. You see, I always enter a date/relationship with "this is why the addition needs to be finished!".

They love it!

Be careful Sean, 6+ years is sneaking up on common law marraige. Maybe time for a new one.
