Hey Guys
My system for the since 1978 is a pair of Bozak Symphonies (need to find some Concert Grands and use the Sym for back-ups), Mcintosh MC2125 amp, MC-27 pre-amp, Yamaha DSP100 sound processer, Transparent Ultra speaker cables, and a Mcintosh MCD7009 CD player.
System has been great but now going to upgrade to better pieces but have loved what i have had for years.
Thanks for reading
My system for the since 1978 is a pair of Bozak Symphonies (need to find some Concert Grands and use the Sym for back-ups), Mcintosh MC2125 amp, MC-27 pre-amp, Yamaha DSP100 sound processer, Transparent Ultra speaker cables, and a Mcintosh MCD7009 CD player.
System has been great but now going to upgrade to better pieces but have loved what i have had for years.
Thanks for reading