Your comments about decorators is not really accurate. I owned a home theater business which installed custom home theater, and other things, and the overwhelming desire (almost no exception) was that the women wanted the equipment invisible (most men too but usually they could be presuaded). It didn't matter if it wasn't the optimal set up, they didn't want to see all that "ugly" equipment (speakers and electronics) out in their beautiful rooms (even those dedicated for theater).
We need to remember that the audio "hobby" is VERY rare. I heard a statistic once that said less than 1% of the entire population even knows high-end audio exists. The vast majority of people don't know that a $8000 CD player (single play at that) exists and when told they are shocked and don't understand how that could happen. Then if I tell them that they can go much higher 30k+, they just get glassy eyed and shake their heads. No one can imagine WHY anyone would spend that kind of money on a "stereo" let alone let the thing dominate a room, or worse yet, rooms.
If I told these people that I spent 30k on an audio ONLY system they just can't process it. If I were to tell the same people that I spent 30k on a new boat, they would congratulate me, think it was cool, and be jealous. They may wonder where I got the money but they wouldn't look at me with the deer-in-the-headlights look.
People don't understand our hobby and it is best, IMHO, to just except that and move on. On top of this, within the hobby itself, the % of women who share our interest is extremely small...not non-existant but certainly the vast exception. So, if you put this factor together with the other, what are the odds of being with a woman who "gets it" or at least can honor our VERY ODD "hobby"?
It takes a mighty loving person to put up with this weird hobby. Men (usually) who, in most other respects, seem reasonable and "normal" but who will spend thousands and thousands of dollars on...lets face it, really frivilous spending creates a disconnect for the most reasonable mind. These normally sane men will adjust their life-style, in many cases (small % of us are just wealthy), just to make room for this habit in their budgets (the Civic comment above is a perfect example). People just can't make this leap in logic.
So, the WAF is sooooo understanable and we need to embrace it as an element of the hobby. I don't get mad because I find that, to get the best sound, I have to spend more on cable. In kind, I don't get mad if I have to negociate the WAF to get better sound. I need to plan, adjust, educate, yes manipulate my thinking and budget to allow for the next piece in the audio puzzle. The same is true with the Wife/significant-other approval factor.
We need to take the necessary steps to bring our loved ones into our world...to accept (at least) or even better to join our way. The very small % of us whose wives don't need any work are the rare, and blessed, group. The rest of us have to work hard and plan, almost as hard as we do for individual equipment choices, to bring our lovers onboard.
I don't feel bad, none of us should, that we have to work for challenge and change, aggreement and compromise, dispute and negociation, education and understanding. This is high-end audio isn't it?
All we can do is try and build a bridge of understanding. This building, for most of us, is an ongoing process. When our bridge makes connection with the other side, then rejoycing is heard in Zion.
If after tremendous work (years) we can't bring our loved ones over (read books on negociating change, love, compromise, etc and share these with your SO)...make a plan work the plan: if though after that effort we can't win them over, we need to either give up the hobby or.......lie, manipulate, cheat, dominate. Hmmm, let me think....
Happy listening,