Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??
Hello everyone,
My name is John. I was bitten by the bug at the age of 10 and it's been a never ending pursuit ever since. I've been on the 'gon for about a year and have built my entire system here. I work as a bill collector for Time Warner Cable in NYC. This is the first job I've been able to hold for more than a yr.(been w/twc for 3yrs now) it seems that i was made for this job and it has afforded me the ability to put together "my ultimate music/ht system".(chk virtual systems on the 'gon) I love Audiogon and all of you guys and gals. If it wasn't for all of you I would not have been able to put my system together. I'm 37 yrs old and have had trouble meeting anyone, other than sales people, that know as much about hi-fi as I do. Not to sound pompus, I just haven't. So, having found the 'gon and all of you wonderful 'philes, w/this overwelming abundance of knowledge about my beloved obsession, I feel like I've found some long lost family. Everyone I know, including my wife, thinks I'm crazy w/how much I've spent on my system. If I start explaining anything about hi-fi, I get alot of blank stares and agreeing, but not understanding, nods. Aside from audio, I'm the stereotypical male. I love sports, cars, action movies and women. Shush, don't tell my wife that last one. I've gone through this thread and just love being able to learn something about all of you. Thank you all for sharing a little bit of yourselves here....john
jrwr7 (john)- congratulations on your new-found job stability and decision to admit to being a 'phile. i welcome you to the group that chooses to post instead of lurking and look forward to your contributions to the discussions ahead.

John-Great to have you here, it seems that you and I(among most other members) share the same interests! If you are looking for more possible local audiophiles check out the Where RU????? thread, it has helped me meet a few. Look forward to seeing more of your posts.
Hi. My name is Chuck. I'm 46 years old, married to my lovely wife Joyce (thought I'd add that just in case she comes across this post) and have a six year old son. We reside in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. An attorney by education, I have been employed for the past nineteen years by the U.S. Justice Department as a federal investigator. One of those three-letter companies. I have been an AudiogoN member for about two years now, and enjoy reading the posts and educating myself with the insight gained from the expertise and experiences shared by other members. In addition to my audio interests, I also enjoy restoring British motorcycles. Chose the username Spitfire because it's my favorite BSA motorcycle. In closing, I'll leave you with an attorney joke. Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a catfish? A: One is a mud dwelling, scum sucking scavenger, and the other is a fish. Best regards to all.

Look what you've started.

Here it goes:
Almost 37, San Diego native. In the midts of divorcing my only spouse of 13 years. Been head-over-heels hooked on music since about 5 years old, (Inna-Godda-Da-Vida while waiting in the drive thru line at Jack-In-The-Box circa 1970). Got my first 'system' at 18 (Techniques and some Bose 301 Series II). Quickly bought and swapped componets to better the system when I discovered the beauty of tubes.

Now, with so many dollars and time spent, to finally reach mid-fi, my passion for this disease we call audiophilia has reached stage 3 and is getting worse.

The system currently consists of:
Power: Sound Valves M-40 monoblocks (front mains)
Power: Sound Valves VTA 70 (strapped in mono for Center Channel)
Power: NAD PE2100 w/volume controls as the Sub-Woofer amp
Kenleigh Passive Matrix Decoder
Kenleigh Focus Field Monitors (8" driver w/horn-loaded ribbon)
Kenleigh Focus Field Center Channel (same tweeter w/2x4" driver)
Kenleigh Focus Field Rear Recovery (single 8" driver)
M&K Passive 12" sealed Sub
Pioneer 3070 Laser
Samsung DVD
Cewl interconnects
Vinyl set-up in the works.

I much rather now stay at home for a DVD or Laser than waste the same money on a one-time big screen experience. I'm convinced that all projectionists are def and don't have a clue as to how big screen sound should be.

Cheers and Happy Listening,