Best Find Ever???

I am curious to hear what the best find you ever had was. It doesn't have to be limited to audio equipment, though best audio find around here gets the 'bull-of-the-woods' I suppose. I read somewhere of a guy who got a Lexicon MC1 from his local pawn shop for $150 because the doofus behind the counter thought it was an equalizer or something. What's the retail on one of those, around $6K? I am either too new at this, too slow, or too much like Charlie Brown to score something like that.

I did have one, not audio. Back when I was young and dangerous and into motorcycles, I had a friend back his truck up to the house with about $10k worth of somebody's entire flattrack program in it. In addition to the bike, there were spare everythings (extra engines, extra wheels, parts, gears etc.--most of it new!) He swore it was legit; I paid him $750, but made him promise if the real owner ever came for it he was giving me back my money and told him I was turnin' him in. I nervously sat on it for about 6mos., (rode a bunch of wheelies) and then sold it for about $5.5k.

One caveat though, if you are going to lie, try and at least make it believable. Thanks. Chris.
A pair of Audio Truth Sterling +, 5' speaker cable for $25.00. They were used and the young saleman didn't know the value.

$200.00 for a 1 year old MK150 sub, and $400 for a 2 year old Classe' 5 MKII with the model 6 phono board. (From a great dealer)
A Prada lightweight gray overcoat at steal price. $2400. retail. Paid only 400.0 brand new. May be shoppers probably did not know what Prada is. That is the best find I can think of.
found 5 Bright Star big rock isolation basis at a flea market for $32. I got my Proceed PDT3 transport from Getpluged for $249.($2495) swore it would come trashed, it was mint.