Best Find Ever???

I am curious to hear what the best find you ever had was. It doesn't have to be limited to audio equipment, though best audio find around here gets the 'bull-of-the-woods' I suppose. I read somewhere of a guy who got a Lexicon MC1 from his local pawn shop for $150 because the doofus behind the counter thought it was an equalizer or something. What's the retail on one of those, around $6K? I am either too new at this, too slow, or too much like Charlie Brown to score something like that.

I did have one, not audio. Back when I was young and dangerous and into motorcycles, I had a friend back his truck up to the house with about $10k worth of somebody's entire flattrack program in it. In addition to the bike, there were spare everythings (extra engines, extra wheels, parts, gears etc.--most of it new!) He swore it was legit; I paid him $750, but made him promise if the real owner ever came for it he was giving me back my money and told him I was turnin' him in. I nervously sat on it for about 6mos., (rode a bunch of wheelies) and then sold it for about $5.5k.

One caveat though, if you are going to lie, try and at least make it believable. Thanks. Chris.
I lost a bid on a Teac A-3340 reel to reel (I know but I wanted one for old times sake) I bid $400.00 and it kept going up until someone got the bid at $592.00. I was crushed. I decided to look around on the web to see what I could find and live with. There was a Teac A-3440 (the top professional studio model used by all the recording studios and 1 step above the A-3340) for sale in Canada... $180.00!! I just knew everything was wrong with it at that price and I was going to have a turkey. It came yesterday... looks and acts brand new.. no scratches or anything. I have to replace 3 bulbs for the vu meters... $8.08 a piece. I love Canada.
A turntable from an outdoor fleamarket was at the bottom of a stack of 6 tables.This table marked a Dynaco but in reality was a Technics 1200 marketed to Dynaco,paid 1 dollar
Best of all it worked fine.And only the dust cover was marred up.
I found a Nakamichi OMS-7 with both original boxes,remote,owners manual. The guy couldn't get any sound out of his speakers. I paid him $25 and it cost me $65 to have a internal DAC replaced....Price $90
A Keith Monks Audio Labs record cleaning machine, all dusty and buried under a bunch of used power tools at a store that I have always suspected of dealing in goods that were acquired by less than honest means.

I offered the man behind the counter 70.00 for it. he muttered something about it being a "record player without a needle". All it needed was a thorough cleaning and a replacement of the spool of thread that runs through the vacumn tube.

Works like new. The story is that it came from a classical music radio station that dumped all of it's LP's in favor of little silver discs. I never found out what happened the records. Too bad. Anyone keeping the collection clean via a Keith Monks unit, must have had a lot of great vinyl in good condition.

I used that thing for several years, but got sick of moving it, as we were moving around a lot, wound up selling it to an audiophile in Germany who paid me what the real worth of a machine of it's caliber is. Anyone who is familiar with the KMAL machines knows how heavy they are. The shipping charges to Germany were almost 500.00 including duty. The guy knew what he was getting and never even flinched. I DO regret selling it now though.