Best lines in a song

There has been a long-running thread here of 'Best quotes' but maybe it would be interesting to find out folks' favorite lines from songs. To keep it on some sort of track, let's have a few ground rules.

- Attribution is required, who sang it (or wrote it) and where can we hear it?
- Shorter is better, four lines maximum, a verse. These should be words of wisdom that can be summoned for inspiration in social emergencies.
- If you're an opera fan, you're welcome to post in Italian, just don't expect many high fives from the monolingual among us.

I'll throw out a couple for starters:

When you're rockin' and a rollin' you can't hear your momma call.
Little Richard - Good Golly, Miss Molly

All I want in this life of mine is some good clean fun.
All I want in this life and time is some hit and run.
Little Feat - Fat Man in the Bathtub
...dropping a barbell he points to the sky, the sun's not yellow it's chicken. Dylan
"You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you might get what you need"

Rolling Stones - Let it bleed album
Just found this thread and I can't believe no one has posted this one yet.

Ah, but I was so much older then,
I'm younger than that now.

Bob Dylan
"My Back Pages"
"Her name was McGill and she called herself Lil but everyone knew her as Nancy"

Great stuff.