There has been a long-running thread here of 'Best quotes' but maybe it would be interesting to find out folks' favorite lines from songs. To keep it on some sort of track, let's have a few ground rules.
- Attribution is required, who sang it (or wrote it) and where can we hear it? - Shorter is better, four lines maximum, a verse. These should be words of wisdom that can be summoned for inspiration in social emergencies. - If you're an opera fan, you're welcome to post in Italian, just don't expect many high fives from the monolingual among us.
I'll throw out a couple for starters:
When you're rockin' and a rollin' you can't hear your momma call. Little Richard - Good Golly, Miss Molly
All I want in this life of mine is some good clean fun. All I want in this life and time is some hit and run. Little Feat - Fat Man in the Bathtub
"i dont own the clothes i'm wearing" --ABB from midnight rider.
"goodbye all you punks, stay young & stay high. hand me my checkbook and i'll crawl off to die"---the who from 'they are all in love'---really sums up pete's farewell from us (when he was no longer his audience)
Hans plays with lotte, lotte plays with jane Jane plays with willi, willi is happy again Suki plays with leo, sacha plays with britt Adolf builds a bonfire, enrico plays with it -whistling tunes we hid in the dunes by the seaside -whistling tunes were kissing baboons in the jungle Its a knockout If looks could kill, they probably will In games without frontiers-war without tears Games without frontiers-war without tears
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