What Product Did You Overspend On?

We all hear about the great bargains and great reviews. If they're all great, then none of them are great.

What product were you really disappointed with?
I overspent on buying a loft just to have a good listening room, but then again this is NYC.
For me it was the Musical Fidelity M6 500i, an outstanding IA. . . in the store, but in my system it was terrible sounding. I was unable to single out the reason it performed so poorly in my system, but I did get rid of it.
Power cables and interconnects. I do hear a difference but do feel they cost way too much money for what you get.
Vinyl costs are also getting out of hand I think.
A pair of Usher BE-10 but the dealer, graciously, returned my money after 3 days.

One of the worst loudspeakers ever built. Rivaled the B&W 800 series for unlistenability.