Thanks Zstokes, I somehow thought this very funny thread might find time for a bit of light. So, along your lines, I offer the following:
I recently downloaded AOL 9 to an office computer I sometimes use to check for my emails. This is the one used to run our payroll. oops. Anyway, we use a payroll service that we access online. the next morning our accountant calls me on my cell phone, wanting to know what I did to 'his' computer. He could not access the internet, and instead he got a whole S*load of AOL stuff. As it turns out, the Broadband server was having trouble elsewhere and all was okay by 2pm. Still, even though he apologized, he still glares at me when I go anywhere near 'his' computer.
I recently downloaded AOL 9 to an office computer I sometimes use to check for my emails. This is the one used to run our payroll. oops. Anyway, we use a payroll service that we access online. the next morning our accountant calls me on my cell phone, wanting to know what I did to 'his' computer. He could not access the internet, and instead he got a whole S*load of AOL stuff. As it turns out, the Broadband server was having trouble elsewhere and all was okay by 2pm. Still, even though he apologized, he still glares at me when I go anywhere near 'his' computer.