Top Ten Interconnects of all time...

A tip of the hat to FERRARI...(and to those great auto's!). I have enjoyed the "Top Ten" threads...So,.. What is you favorite Interconnect cables of all time? I will start this off with the following candidates...Wireworld Gold Eclipse III, Cardas Golden Reference, Nirvana S-L and S-X, Nordost Quattrofil..and the rest is up to you.
If I May , In my system the Purist Anniversary IC's have been the best & not by just a little ,but by a lot. They bettered cables by Stealth, Audioquest, Straight Wire, Kubala Sosa, Cardas, Nordost. Just to name a few. The cables from these manufactors were all great cables & were there top shelf cables. Purist just raised the bar in my opinion. I'm sure glad for this site, its allows us to try many a cable to see what works best for our systems, for a discounted price.
My List in order
Purist Anniversary #1, They blew me away
Purist Dominus # my second choice
Stealth Indra # you can't go wrong
Nordost Valhalla # the most open, but lacked the low end I need
Straight Wire Crescendo,# The best for the money
Cardas, # always great
Kubala Sosa Emotion
Just one persons opinion, in one persons system
Bogdan Silver Spirit throw a superb stage out of my Ayre V3(x) and VSA-VR3.5. Good bass (not heavy, but musical), great, smooth and reasonably detailed highs without fizz, natural (neutral) mids. Not that expensive, esp used.
If you really want to hear an incredible cable and are willing to do the work in setting it up.Then the Virtual Dynamics Genesis is a World class cable that is just pure music in the way it defines the recordings and it's venues.This is a real monster!!Dennis