Are your used items selling?

My prices might need adjusting -but my stuff seems like it is dying a slow death.Anyone else experiencing this? I believe the economy is taking it's toll also.
I have been selling fine, in fact, quickly. There are two things I notice with your items. First, the DVD sells on a regular basis for $600-675. $600 goes quickly, $650 fairly quickly, $700+ is the right person, right place, right time. I love the 9000 and it is worth all of the $725, but there are ALOT of options for other 9000s and other players for this amount. Price it at $649 and it will sell in 24 hours.

The integrated is a tough sale anytime just because of its nature, 2 channel. I would imagine it has a specific following, and would probably command good value, but with SO MANY PEOPLE going to HT, it just makes for a tougher sell.

If you look at the gear I have listed now, you will see the SOLD, SALE PENDING, and the likes. All fairly high end gear, selling quickly. It is ALL about pricing and HT.

I am have been selling a number of items lately. My TT sold in within 15 minutes. Cables, phono pre, and cleaner within a day. My CDP is having a tougher time, 2 weeks now. It is tough to say what causes the discrepancies. Stereophile et al. buzz contributes; a year ago my CDP would have sold very quickly. Also, for $100 I bought a pair of Purist HDIs on their 31st ad day. Great bargain for an end user, but the market doesn't like them.

I agree though, overall the economy is favoring the buyer in the used market. Fewer are buying and more are selling.
Porschecab pretty much nailed the answer to your question, just another suggestion, adding a picture of what you are selling sells it pretty quickly also. Audiogon has made it pretty darn easy to be able to post a picture on your add, all you need is a digital camera. As cheap as digital cameras are these days their is almost no excuse not to have one.
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