Acoustic Revive RR-77 Ultra low pulse generator

One more new baby in the family of esoteric tweaks, there is not much info on this product except for a a nice review in 6 moons audio, Working on the human body and psychic (the Schumann resonance) and treating your room acoustic...
I wish answers and comments from people who bought it and use it with succes!
Also how does it compare against the Quantum Symphony pro EMF Stabilizer who work close in the same way ???
Wich position is the best inside the listening room ?
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Also powering it with a KingRex power supply increases the soundstage and the treble qualities
I like Acoustic Revive's products a lot, however the RR-77 didn't win me over.

A friend pointed out It seemed to soften transients the slightest bit, and I think it pulled the soundstage back a bit. It was subtle however. Interesting that some people got prominent changes.
I've got to admit it took me a while to get used to the RR-77.
To really make the soundstage come alive I found that the best place for mine is elevated about 7 feet and between the speakers.
Perhaps you should try different places in your room to place the RR-77.

Interesting that you feel the transients are softer. I would say they are more dynamic. The soundstage gets deeper, perhaps that is what you mean about it being pushed back a bit.

Anyway with the KingRex power supply the Acosutic Revive RR-77 is really something in my system.
I had pretty much settled in to needing two RR-77s, until several days ago when Andy Quint asked about pictures with a AR QR-8 placed on it. I found such a picture in the 6moons' review and posted it for him. I then thought that I had not tried it and so might just do so. I really wondered why the QR-8 was put inside the RR-77. It was put on the plastic bottom of the unit, and it seemed to me that it would make no difference whether it were on the top or bottom. Nevertheless, I put it inside. I did this in the early afternoon and was then out until 8 that evening, when I did some listening, having forgotten that I put the QR-8 on.

Frankly, I wondered what was wrong with my amp. The singers were all 20' behind the instruments on the left and right sides. I put off trying to resolve this that night. Only later did I recall that I had put the QR-8 within the RR-77, but I thought certainly that cannot be the problem. I thought this because I had always thought that the RR-77 gave a nice improvement but not of the magnitude that the QR-8 could have killed it.

The next day I removed the QR-8 and bingo I was back in business. The RR-77 does have that big an impact as can the QR-8s on it. Once earlier I had experienced such a dreadful impact of the QR-8s, when I put one into the drawer of my cd player. I have experience very great improvements using the QR-8s, however, especially in the center of the wall behind my speakers and in the center of the windows behind my speakers.

My biggest conclusion, however, was that you really need to work with the Acoustic Revive RR-77 to maximize its benefits. I had just concluded that I needed two and that they both needed to be as close to 5 feet off the floor as possible. Wrong! Five feet is a starting point, the minimum. Also IMHO they cannot be close to the walls. Both of mine are more than two feet from the walls and largely centered on the front and back ends of the room. I wish the RR-77s had a tripod threaded base so that I could experiment further with distance into the room as well as with height. I have found that changes as small as 1 inch in height in the front unit made a difference.

Having seen explanations of how these things work, I wonder about having one right above me in my listening room. My wife is tolerant and already thinks I am nuts, but doing that might be a bridge too far.

All I am trying to say here, is that these units and also QR-8s are very powerful and that trial and error is the only way to optimize them.
Tbg,"I wonder about having one right above me in my listening room."

LOL, That would be difficult to explain to visitors.
Perhaps taping it to a helmet...
Just kidding, of course!