Top resistors

Many threads with opinions on boutique coupling capacitors, but very little consolidated information on the sonics of resistors. Anyone care to share their thoughts on the attributes of their favorite brands & types for specific tube and SS applications? How much of a difference does a good resistor make?

My interest in the topic increased after recently installing the latest Texas Components nude Vishay TX2575 in several SS and tube phono & LS components. This was a proverbial "Ah-ha" moment-- a stray resistor dropped into signal path here or there, surprising with an improvement that equalled or surpassed the impact of a switch to a top coupling cap like V-Cap or Mundorf.
I have a direct comparison of PRP resistors to Shinkoh Tantalums. This past weekend I replaced 8 PRP resistors (4 per channel)with Shinkoh Tants. Now my Audio Note Home brew M3 phono circuit has 6 tants per channel. 2 of those are Audio Note tants. As soon as I turned on the pre and started playing music there was an immediate and dramatic improvement in the quality of the sound. So much smoother and beautiful sounding. The increase in musicality was compelling. Of coarse the Tants are not even close to being broken in and I am noticing a bit of emphasis on the leading edge of instruments that may or may not go away. Now the circuit has a nice mix of Allen-Bradley, Tants and 2 PRP. I have the option of adding even more A-Bs if I want to totally get rid of the PRPs.

In my opinion if you are going to use PRP use very sparingly or use them to get your project up and running and plan to replace. Until this weekend, I had no idea what true potential the AN Phono pre and Rega TT was capable.
@Sherod- If the NOS Sylvanias are the bottom-gettered, VT-231 type(from the 40's); they are already excellent tubes. Very natural and transparent, like the Tung-Sols. The biggest noticeable difference, would be in the sound stage depth. That would be highly dependent on how well the rest of your system performs. Regarding the price: everyone has different takes on what's important and valuations, regarding presentation. If the Sylvanias aren't the above mentioned, get a pair of those(or bottom-gettered Ken-Rad VT-231s) to compare with the ones supplied. They aren't as salty as the Tung-Sols and may satisfy any desire to further roll your tubes. Hope the OP doesn't mind us hijacking the thread!
@ Sherod- The site wouldn't let me add this info: ( or(
Thanks Rodman99999,
I haven't yet received the preamp, but as soon as I find what style of NOS Sylvania 6sn7 they use, I will be able to compare.
As for the TF020. The leads can be soldered out and replaced with some nice wire for a much improved sound.

Aa very nice balanced resistor, but felt the TX2575 to have a more incisive hifish character which can be too much of a good thing. I balanceda TX2575 with nichicon caps for my cdp output. It was perfectly balanced.

Now, with the TX2575 with rubycon zl, the sound became bright, hard and super etched. Here where the TF020 can sound nice with with the zl caps.