Metal-base and non metal-base 5AR4/GZ34?

Sonically, what's the difference between the metal-base and non metal-base 5AR4/GZ34 rectifier tubes, Philips/Amperex or Mullard? Especially as they perform in the Modwright 9.0 SE preamp?
The ones with the 'B' in the date code(ie: F32/B6H4), are from the Blackburn Plant. Personally; I found the double gettered type to be some of the most reliable and best sounding. A couple examples: ( or (
I just can tell that when I had Carry SLP-05 and replaced original rectifier with Philips Miniwatt GZ34/5AR4 metal base nos 1957 I could not believe the difference it made. Yes, it was expensive move, but with great result.
I just bought one of these for my Modwright SWL9.0 se
had to cut a hole in the cover to accomadate the size,but Im very happy with it. Got mine from a guy in Holland thru ebay for less $.