Sbrownnw - I know you like mogami - and so do many others, but there could be architectural issues that may be causing your problems and the Copper Harmony are just bringing them to light.
Maybe trying the Copper Harmony with a cable specifically designed for interconnect use would be a much better option.
All of the cables I have tried were designed specifically for interconnect use and worked extremely well with the entire Harmony RCA range.
The signal from instruments like electric guitar and Microphones have a much larger dynamic range than the signal in a home audio interconnect and as a consequence - the cables designed to handle these dynamics may have different attributes like Capacitance, inductance and impedance, form those cables specifically designed for home audio use.
So perhaps a cable designed for the higher dynamic range may not be the most ideal cable for home audio inerconnect use.
Based on my excellent findings with several vastly different interconnects designed specifically for home audio use - I think the issue here is probably the Mogami cable - the Copper Harmony is just highlighting the issues that other RCA's seem to be muting.
I hope that makes sense
Maybe trying the Copper Harmony with a cable specifically designed for interconnect use would be a much better option.
All of the cables I have tried were designed specifically for interconnect use and worked extremely well with the entire Harmony RCA range.
The signal from instruments like electric guitar and Microphones have a much larger dynamic range than the signal in a home audio interconnect and as a consequence - the cables designed to handle these dynamics may have different attributes like Capacitance, inductance and impedance, form those cables specifically designed for home audio use.
So perhaps a cable designed for the higher dynamic range may not be the most ideal cable for home audio inerconnect use.
Based on my excellent findings with several vastly different interconnects designed specifically for home audio use - I think the issue here is probably the Mogami cable - the Copper Harmony is just highlighting the issues that other RCA's seem to be muting.
I hope that makes sense